I am doing a survey to see how many people would use this service.I have been to walmart and jiffy lube and had to wait 2 hours to get a oil change.So i decided to reserach this idea and found a company that offer a van,equipment and training for 15,000.With tihis service we will come to you.Our customers would be individuals,business complexes and small fleets.We would offer the same service as jiffy or walmart but the difference
is that WILL COME TO YOU.Saving you time and at your convience. All response are important,thanks for you opinion.Would you use a mobile oil change service?Never bring your car to a jiffylube or any oil change place, do it at the dealership and give them the oil or do it yourself.
The oil they put in your car at a jiffylube is pure crap oil that kills your car, it takes only 15 minutes to change oil and it's a lot better knowing what oil you put in your car. You have a great idea, though, millions of lazy people will use your service.Would you use a mobile oil change service?One thing....don't try to make all your money from your oil changes! Make it from selling other services like wiper blade changes, light bulb changes, spark plug/wire changes, air filters, etc.
Thats where your really going to make your money! Trust someone who is in the businesss!
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Would you use a mobile oil change service?yes. Great idea.Would you use a mobile oil change service?noWould you use a mobile oil change service?I do my own oil changes...it's cheaper and it's done right.Would you use a mobile oil change service?That sounds like a great idea. I would use the service personaly. From an investment stand point it doesn't seem like their are many barriers to entry though. Your not very protected from some one else doing the same thing.Would you use a mobile oil change service?It's not a bad idea, I could definitely see the elderly, wealthy, and the very busy using this service (You'd probably want to live near these types of people). But, I wonder how much money is really in it for you? I could think of a few problems that could arise from working at other peoples homes, such as oil spills on their drive way etc..Don't forget you have to pay for gas to drive to these peoples homes. If it's too pricey people may just suck it up and take the car to a cheaper place.