i have recently purchased a 2007 mercury, milan, premier. at my first oil change i told the dealer to use 100% synthetic oil. when do i need to have the oil changed? they are telling me the standard 3000 miles. i thought that when 100% synthetic oil was used that the life of the oil lengthened. Please help. I want to do the right thing.How often do i need to change my oil when i use 100% synthetic?I agree with pbleek. The 3,000 mile oil change has been ingrained in our heads for generations. Every few years the API releases new oil quality designations (currently SM for gasoline engines) but there is no change in drain intervals!? And yes, drain intervals in Europe are much higher. Check this link for interesting facts on extended oil drains: http://www.amsoil.com/redirect.cgi?zo=14
With dinosaur oil, heat and oxidation quickly take their toll. The high thermal and oxidative resistance of the synthetic molecule keep it from breaking down into sludge and varnish.
Look into Amsoil:
XL line of synthetic oils: 6months/7,500mile drain interval (this drain interval is most likely what your owners manual says)
original Amsoil synthetic oils: 1year/25,000mile drain interval
Series 2000 Amsoil 0W-30 severe service: 1year/35,000mile great for police and taxi service
For your car you can go with the XL 5W-20 (6month/7,500), but I recommend the 1 year formula in the 0W-20 weight.
Don't let the dealer intimidate you on warranty issues, check this out: http://www.amsoil.com/redirect.cgi?zo=14
more info at my site:
http://www.number1synthetic.comHow often do i need to change my oil when i use 100% synthetic?don't believe what they say, as it's in their best interest to change oil more often.
I go 6 months, 10k miles, whichever comes first.How often do i need to change my oil when i use 100% synthetic?If i remember correctly, the mew Mobil1 they've come out with says you can go 5000 miles before changing it. I really dont think there is a set standard amount of miles/time for when you need it changed, just a general guideline. I have seen people use 5w-30 Mobil1 and go for 10k miles at a time with no problem, but thats a risk I wouldnt take. Find out what oil brand they used and go from there with your research. Good luck!How often do i need to change my oil when i use 100% synthetic?Follow what the oil manufacturer recommends.How often do i need to change my oil when i use 100% synthetic?I would go 5,000-8,000 miles, the 3000 mile oil changes are ingrained in peoples mind from the days of sloppily made V-8 engines and poor quality oils, these days you are safe to go over 5,000 miles. In Europe people go with 15,000 km oil change intervals, they drive way faster and cars have to last the well past 300,000 km. (cars are not as affordable as in the US)How often do i need to change my oil when i use 100% synthetic?It's really all personal preference. You can still change it every 3000, but if yer gonna pay the extra bucks for the good stuff why not wait the extra 3000? It's usally standard to wait 5 or 6000 to change with synthetic.How often do i need to change my oil when i use 100% synthetic?It sounds like you are one of those people that know more than the dealer, don't you know the answer?How often do i need to change my oil when i use 100% synthetic?well the boxster comes with moble one full syn. and they say every 15000 now they spend a bunch on research and developement so i would go atleast 10000 to get your money out of the oilHow often do i need to change my oil when i use 100% synthetic?you are absolutely right if you 100% synthethic in the car im sure you can go at least 7500 miles between intervals.How often do i need to change my oil when i use 100% synthetic?Different oils claim different change intervals. Ask your dealer what brand oil they used and go from there. Personally I don't care if it is regular or synthetic oil I would still change it every 3000 miles.