I run my car for zero to 100 miles every four months. Should I have the oil changed every four months if the car is only run to the shop and back while it only sits in the garage for the four months?How often do I change a cars oil that rarely is run at all?If the oil were in the can, I'd think it wouldn't get stale after only 4 months on the shelf, but even with only 100 miles of use, the acids and corrosives from the engine combustion will tend to break down the oil despite limited use. I would still change the oil regularly, although perhaps not every 4 months. Maybe double that. Why risk a small amount of money against possible costly damage to the engine.How often do I change a cars oil that rarely is run at all?Check and monitor the color of the oil, check once a month, when the oil starts getting brown then change it.How often do I change a cars oil that rarely is run at all?I know that it is every 2500 miles to be good and safe 3000 max. As far as the time period, I would guestimate six months.How often do I change a cars oil that rarely is run at all?Change you oil every three months. It breaks down over time and 3 months is the recommended longest length of time between changesHow often do I change a cars oil that rarely is run at all?For the best protection, most mechanics say to change it every 3000 miles. There are oils now that claim to protect for higher mileage up to 15000 miles.How often do I change a cars oil that rarely is run at all?its every 3,000 miles or every three months.which ever comes first.hope that helps!How often do I change a cars oil that rarely is run at all?How old is your car? If it is new there isn't as much crud floating around that will settle in that 4 month time frame and then kick up when you start the engine and give you trouble. if it is older you may want to go ahead and change it on that 4 month cycle. And it never hurts to change it so if in doubt change the oil, love your car.How often do I change a cars oil that rarely is run at all?recommend to remain still at 3000 miles or less..How often do I change a cars oil that rarely is run at all?well, if it's a collection car you have too, to keep your car in better condition, it's recommended to change the oil every 3 month if you don't move it that often, some kind of oil last longer you need to consult your manual.
good luckHow often do I change a cars oil that rarely is run at all?Oil changes should happend every 3,000 to 5,000 miles or every 6 to 8 months.Even tho the oil isn't burning it can still sit there and get bad air particals in it.How often do I change a cars oil that rarely is run at all?YOur suppose to change it every 3000 milesHow often do I change a cars oil that rarely is run at all?once every three months. once every 4 or 5 months if you use synthetic oilHow often do I change a cars oil that rarely is run at all?The oil can still breakdown sitting in the car. I would think a couple times a year will be allright.How often do I change a cars oil that rarely is run at all?still recommended every 3 or 4 months weather you drive 3,000 miles or not.How often do I change a cars oil that rarely is run at all?I'd say about once/yearHow often do I change a cars oil that rarely is run at all?3k miles or every 4 months, which ever comes first.How often do I change a cars oil that rarely is run at all?If you don't follow your Automobile Manufacturer Car Maintenance Schedule you could void your warranty.
Usually 3 Months or 3000 miles which ever comes first.
Maintenance Schedule
If you want to be an informed customer, you have to start by reading your vehicle's manual. The manual recommends a maintenance schedule for your car's make and model. Do you have the owner's manual? If you don't, you could buy one from a car dealership that sells your type of vehicle. Your parts department could help you by ordering the manual. Your glove compartment is the best place to keep your manual.
Do you have a clear idea about your driving habits? Automobile manufacturers have divided the maintenance requirements into two categories: %26quot;Normal%26quot; and %26quot;Severe.%26quot;
What are normal driving conditions? Highway driving in dust-free areas comes under normal driving conditions. Do you know that dust could block your air filter and PCV filter?
What are severe driving conditions?
Check out the following:
Driving in cold weather
Dusty driving conditions
Trips less than 10 miles
Staying idle for long periods
Stop-and-go city driving
Towing a trailer
If you strictly follow your vehicle's maintenance schedule, you could save money on replacing and repairing prematurely worn parts. If your car is running properly, you don't have to spend a lot of money on fuel consumption either. You could carry out the inspection of your belts, hoses and tires by yourself.