I have a 2007 Nissan Sentra. When the maintenance light comes on in the dash board, I change the oil and filter myself. I would like to know how to shut the maintenace light off.Can't shut off the Maintenance Trouble Light after oil change?Un hook your battery for about 5 minutes
so the computer can reset it self..
god luck... ;0Can't shut off the Maintenance Trouble Light after oil change?If I'm thinking correctly about which computer you have, you can reset it without having to disconnect your battery. There is a process, and it should be explained in your owners manual.Can't shut off the Maintenance Trouble Light after oil change?my olero i turn on the key pump gas 3 times,dont start motorCan't shut off the Maintenance Trouble Light after oil change?Take the cables out from the battery for at lease two minutes and put it back and you're be good to goCan't shut off the Maintenance Trouble Light after oil change?put a peice of black electrical tape over the light and you will never see itCan't shut off the Maintenance Trouble Light after oil change?i own a shop,and on the Nissan's i just disconnect the battery,and that way its sure to make it go out,all that has to be done after that is reset the radio,that method always works,good luck.Can't shut off the Maintenance Trouble Light after oil change?It will tell you in your manual.Can't shut off the Maintenance Trouble Light after oil change?disconnect the positive battery cable for about 30 minutes